When creating a video game, it is necessary to proceed through a list of steps. In the video game industry, as well as among developers, a process is used to validate all stages of video game production. How does the production of a video game take place? Find out here the process of making your video game. This article highlights the different phases of video game production.
The conception and the pre-production
The marketing of a video game is essentially done through its conception. This stage is provided by the general idea of the game and the intentions. It is a question of thinking about the type of game, the universe, the theme, the necessary budget, the representation, the platform and even the market. All this is formalized in the first version of the game design document in a few pages. Find on C86 News everything you need to know.
Similarly, we have the pre-production which is not a negligible step. It is to write in the specifications of the game, the game design documents, still called the bible of game design. We also have the scenario, the graphic research and the technical documents.
Production and launch
Production is the longest phase. This is when the producers expand their staff. The team needs game designers, level designers, modelers, animators, UI and FX artists, programmers and even producters. This phase ends with post-production, which indicates the end of the intensive production. This does not lead to the end of the activities.
Then we have the pre-launch which is the stage just before the release of the game. The company then prepares the official launch of the game. The studio focuses on the communication and marketing of the game. And finally, we have the launch which involves the availability of the game in all targeted locations.